What is Meditation? Learn Yoga Meditation or Dhyana
Dhyana or meditation is an important part of yoga. The yogi learns to concentrate his or her thoughts to a single point. This empowers the person effortlessly manage daily activities. The prime aim of meditation is to create equilibrium between the human body, mind and soul with that of the central universal spirit.
True meditation state is gradual movement towards clearer thoughts, where you perceive things and ideas that were previously hidden before your eyes. You gradually identify the working of mind, its methods of perceptions, the perceived ideas, inner meanings, ideas and spontaneous unfolding of the secrets of universe and divine powers.
It is like looking to the bottom of a lake. No one can see the bottom of the lake when the waters are troubled. The vision of the bottom of the lake becomes clearer when the water is still.
Man’s mind is like troubled waters. Deep inside the mind is complete knowledge to attain the divine goal of human birth. Meditation is a method of calming down the mind to help the person get a clearer vision of reality.
Maya is Indian concept of virtual reality. We perceive something as real. Maya veils the truth. Meditation helps one to lift this veil. Once unveiled, the truths about nature, universe, life, prana, etc are perceivable by human mind. Only reality that exists is universal power center or God.
While meditating we can put our concentration on two objects. Concentrating on inner self and concentrating on something outside the self. Ancient Indian seers tell you to concentrate on your inner self. Know thyself.
This kind of concentration is visible in almost all fields. Researchers give their undivided attention to the project they are at, a golf player gives his undivided attention to the game, and a student gives his undivided attention to his studies. While practicing yoga meditation, the yogi puts his or her undivided attention on himself or herself.
Take a meditation pose. Lotus pose is the most preferred posture for meditation. The yogi also should meditate at specific times of the day. One can extend the time of meditation with practice. The best time to meditate is early morning.
Concentrate on your breathing while in the meditative posture. There is no need to suppress mind from wandering here and there. Just concentrate on your breathing. The mind will become concentrated on your breathing.
It is essential to pick a focal point for meditation. Kundalini yoga practitioners put their focus on an energy center like Ajna Chakra or Anahata Chakra. It is also possible that you can focus on the tip of your nose. It will lead to experience of pleasant smells.
Use a mantra – Ohm is the universal mantra for meditation. Chant or mentally repeat the mantra in tune with your breathing pattern.
If practiced long enough and strong enough, the person can reach a state of bliss and divine enlightenment. That stage is Samadhi or super conscious state. Only a few in the history of humankind have truly achieved that state.