S N A Oushadasala; Ayurvedic Companies in Kerala
S N A Oushadasala is under the management of Thrissur Thaikkattu Family, one among the famous Ashtavaidyas of Kerala. It was started in 1920, by Unni Moose.
There is a full fledged clinical center near the aushada sala. The hospital has developed with all the facilities of a high tech hospital. SNA Ayurvedics has more than 400 medicines. Most of them prepared after the directions of Ashtavaidyans.
Rithu Ranjini, the medicine to address periods and diseases of women has wide acceptance. Same is the case of Pancha jeeraka gudam, a medicine for post delivery care. There are different medicines from SNA Pharma to address pregnancy.
Janani, a project of giving Ayurvedic care to carrying women, new mothers and newly born kids, includes medication and special treatment that starts during pregnancy and lasts through 90 days after delivery. Prasoothi Tantra or the science of prenatal and post natal care is a complex topic. SNA Oushadashala seems to be the one that has advanced so much in woman childcare with Ayurveda.