Importance of Breast Feeding According to Ayurveda
Ayurveda considers breast milk to be the best food for babies. Modern medicine too recommends breast feeding to newly born kids because of the several benefits of motherÂ’s milk. In case the mother fails to produce enough milk, Ayurveda recommends hiring a milk-mother, a woman who also has got a baby and produces enough milk.
Colostrum is rich with immunoglobulin, an element that enhances immunity in the infants. Infants absorb the required nutrients from motherÂ’s milk more efficiently than from cowÂ’s milk. MotherÂ’s milk is also rich in all vital nutrients required for the proper development of the baby. Ayurveda also tells that motherÂ’s milk put all the doshas in balance. There is no possibility of contamination for breast milk. The body temperature of the mother is also appropriate for the kid.
Apart from the tangible advantages of milk for the baby, breast feeding also builds a strong bonding between the mother and child.