Ayurveda and Sex
Sex, according to Ayurveda and according to the Vedas, is a divine process that is responsible for the very existence of human race on the face of earth. Kamasutra, the ancient science of love and love making describes in detail a variety of factors involved in practicing safe and fulfilling sex.
In India, sex was never considered something to shun about. According to Ayurveda, children is an asset. From having intercourse to delivering children and bringing them up with healthy body, mind and imparting in them, the training to see life in positive life and showing them the good way of life is an elaborate process. One noticeable thing about Ayurveda is the relative silence about family planning, contraception methods, or abortion – why destroy the greatest asset one can get? Sal-Santanangal (or children of good qualities, physically, mentally and spiritually) is the ultimate aim of sex.
Vageekarana Chikitsa (Aphrodisiac Treatment)
Aphrodisiac therapy or treatment has a prominent place in Ayurveda. It is part of Vrisha, one anga or branch in ashtanga or eight principle branches of Ayurveda. Removing the imbalances of doshas or tridosha (vata, pitta, kapha) comes before vageekarana chikitsa (aphrodisiac therapy).
Good physical qualities, semen quantity and quality, is the aim of vajeekarana chikitsa.
There is also a list of qualifications for both men and women. The man should be compatible to his woman in physical, mental, and on an astrological basis.
A man shall go to his wife only. Meeting other women is strictly prohibited in Ayurveda. The only place to ejaculate semen is vagina – masturbation and all other forms of unnatural sex are prohibited.
Although Kamasutra suggests 64 different sexual positions, Ayurveda recognizes only the common method –woman bottom and man top. Experimenting on this for bodily pleasure causes woman body to position in different forms, which can cause immediate to long-term faults to woman body and also to the child.
Vageekarana chikitsa or Jaara chikitsa (aphrodisiac therapy) suggests Panchakarma for purification of physiology and semen. Panchakarma is not necessary for women because of physical peculiarities.
Ayurveda suggests physical union of loving couples as the one way to enjoy divine pleasure. Here an assembly of panchendriya (Five Senses – touch, sight, etc.), physical organs, and mind takes place.