What are Chakras? Kundalini Energy Chakras Explained
March 23rd, 2007 | admin
Kundalini chakras are energy centers where kundalini energy rest in dormant state. The chakras are physical realities and one can locate seven chakras on one’s body along the spinal cord region. A chakra literally means a wheel. The chakras are in continuous spinning motion at set frequencies.
According to Kundalini concepts, these energy centers have lotus like petals. The one at the base (Mooladhara chakra) has four petals and the highest one (Sahasrara chakra) chakra has one thousand petals and resembles the light of thousand suns shining together. There can be many thousands of sub chakras located at the areas of lower chakras.
The seven major chakras are briefly explained below
1. Mooladhara Chakra (Sacral Plexus or Root Chakra)
Mooladhara chakra, shaped like a four-petal red lotus is located at the base of the spine. This chakra represents earth element and is responsible for material world.
2. Svadhisthana Chakra or Sex Chakra
Svadhisthana is of the shape of a six-petal vermilion lotus, which is responsible for the conduct of the person.
3. Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra
Manipura chakra has ten blue petals and is responsible for the knowledge of physical existence.
4. Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra
Located at the heart level and on the spinal cord, Anahata chakra is of the shape of a vermilion or deep lotus with 12 petals.
5. Visuddha Chakra or Throat Chakra
Visuddha (means pure) chakra is located at the top of spinal code. Its shape is of a lotus with 16 purple petals.
6. Ajna Chakra or The Third Eye Chakra
Ajna (means command) chakra is like a lotus of two white petals, situated in between the eyebrows. It is responsible for concentration and intelligence.
7. Sahasrara Chakra or Crown Chakra
Sahasrara Chakra is like a lotus with thousand petals. Its appearance is like 1000 suns shining together. This chakra synchronizes all knowledge and cosmic realization. This is the meeting place of Kundalini Energy and Siva. Awakening this chakra requires so much efforts and complete surrender before the almighty.
The chakra are awakened by either concentrated meditation or by clearing the energy path for the kundalini energy to uncoil from its dormant state. Kundalini energy awakening is recommended only under the guidance of a teacher.