Cause of Diseases According to Ayurveda
March 24th, 2007 | admin
It is disease whenever there is a deviation from the total healthy state (both physical and mental) of a person. Swastya (health) is the balanced state of tridoshas. Whenever there is a disturbance within the doshas, it can cause diseases. The dinacharyas and ritu charyas are designed to keep tridoshas in balance and hence for a healthy body. However, diseases can still happen even with strict compliance with lifestyle and diet controls. The factors that somehow disturbs or vitiate the doshas are the root causes of a disease.
Another cosmic concept of Ayurveda is loka-purusha samya concept, which refers to the identification of loka (world- universe) with purusha (man). There is a constant interaction between the microcosm (man — by man, here means every living thing and not only a human male) the macrocosm (universe). Every microcosm is a representation of a bigger macrocosm. There is a harmony between man and universe. There are actions all the time and whenever there is an imbalance in action, it can lead to a disease state.
The healthy interaction between man and universe is through three channels namely
Prajna, Buddhi or intellect
Indriyatha or sensory
Kala or natural rhythms
All the three factors, when in balance is called samayoga. There are three types of imbalances – atiyoga (excess), ayoga (deficient) and mithyayoga (distorted sense).
The deviations of prajna, indriyatha or kala, from their balanced state can cause diseases. The most prominent symptom of imbalance will be vitiation of doshas.
Prajnaparadha (due to intellect) diseases affect the mind. Wrong understandings and decisions, and going against his/her knowledge.
Asatmyendriyatha (affecting nervous system) directly affects the nervous system and mind. The mind perceives certain stimuli, which leads to stress, leaving way for disease. Sattwa quality of the mind gives way to rajas and tamas. This in turn vitiates the doshas, resulting in physical diseases.
Kala parinama (evolution over time) diseases occur due to the inability of the person to cope with changing cycles of nature. Directly defying the change in conditions leads to diseases. Variation in immune capacity with change in seasons is an experience of everyone. Diseases are common during change in seasons. There is also change in breathing pattern within the day. There are also times when man and woman have increased sexual desire. Menstrual cycle is another natural rhythm.