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Kidney Stone: Prevention and Ayurvedic Natural Cure

March 24th, 2007 | admin

Kidney stones are formations of hard masses formed as a result of accumulation of minerals or salts. Kidney stone can be the size of a sand grain or can grow up to three centimeter. The most common type of kidney stones is of calcium oxalate.

The common symptoms are:

Severe pain at lower back, abdomen and genital area

Burning sensation while urinating

Prevention of Kidney Stones

Diet is the first thing to regulate. Take 10-15 or more glasses of fresh water daily. Reduce salt and sugar. Refined food, dairy products, alcohol, carbonated drinks are to be avoided.

Ayurvedic Home Remedy to Prevent Kidney Stone

Nothing is as beneficial as banana stem juice. Crush the inner core of a fruited banana plant and drink the juice. Make it a regular habit to dissolve stones and fight infection.

Coleus aromaticus is another plant that is beneficial in treating kidney stones. The plant is known as pashan bhedi in Sanskrit, which means stone breaker. The leaves of this plant have powerful components capable of dissolving kidney stones. In India this leaf is used in home made Ayurvedic decoction (kashayam) for cold and diseases caused due to climatic changes. Children of the past were also forced to eat a leaf of this plant on a daily basis.

Ayurvedic medicines containing leaf extracts of this plant are available in the market. Consult your Ayurveda physician before you start using the herbal formulation.
Carrot juice, lime juice, radish juice, tender coconut water and fresh water are beneficial. Some vegetables to avoid are cabbage, cauliflower and spinach.

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