Teak (Tectona grandis) -Indian Trees
March 23rd, 2007 | admin
Teak (Tectona grandis) has a long history as an important timber, used in the manufacture of domestic furniture to ships. Teak prefers warm climate and is found abundantly in almost all parts of India, especially in Kerala, central India and Ganges plains.
It is called tekku or thekku in Malayalam and Sagwan in Hindi. It is also known by the names Saigon, taku, saj, etc.
The trees grow slowly (an inch in about four or five years), erect and as a strong tree. The leaves are big (up to 40 cm long) and rough. Trees grow up to 40 meters tall.
The tree produce flowers and seeds, but the propagation is mainly by planting stumps. It is a hard thing to make the seed sprout. Teak trees grow abundantly in nature without any human intervention though. The western Ghats are an excellent source of teak wood.