Trikonasana Triangle Pose Yoga
Trikonasana yoga pose (triangle pose) is very beneficial in gaining physical balance and in increasing mental concentration.
The procedure for Trikonasana Yoga Posture
1. Stand erect with feet spread apart by a comfortable distance.
2. Raise the hands and hold them parallel to ground.
3. Bend rightwards with your trunk and touch your toes or ankle. Take care not to bend knees or elbows.
4. Turn head and look at the left hand that is vertically above.
5. Complete two or three cycles of respiration.
6. Slowly return to standing position – legs stretched apart and arms held parallel to ground.
Repeat the steps on the other side.
Notes on Trikonasana Yoga Pose
This asana relaxes muscles at calves, thighs and shoulders. It also stimulates blood flow to the head. It also gives flexibility to the backbone.