Marjari asana Yoga Posture, the Cat Stretch Pose
Marjara means a cat. This asana is based on some mannerisms exhibited by cats, especially the ones they exhibit immediately after waking up from sleep.
The Procedure for Marjari asana Yoga Pose
1. Sit in Vajrasana. (Sitting position where buttocks are inside cupped soles of your feet).
2. Come to knees and place them at comfortable distance (the distance between shoulders).
3. Bend forward and place your palms cupped down on ground, straight below your shoulders. Now you stand on four legs.
4. Look straight forward. Take care not to open your mouth.
5. Inhale a little, raise your head and neck, and stretch your backbone as much as possible.
6. Raise your gaze to the highest point possible by you. Take care not to move your arms or legs.
7. After stretching, bend your backbone upwards and bring your head to between your hands. Forcefully expel the breath through your mouth. It is OK to produce a sound.
8. Close your mouth. Slowly inhale and come to the backbone-stretching pose once again.
Notes on Marjarasana
This asana gives flexibility to backbone, neck and shoulders. Good for chronic backache. It also good for all reproductive organs of women. Leucorrhea can be controlled with this asana.