Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama 2
Pranayama step 2 anuloma – viloma
It is also called nadisodhana pranayama or nervous cleansing pranayama.
Take a meditation or prayer pose.
Extend and keep your left hand palms down on right knee.
Raise right hand and put index and center finger between eyebrows. Keep thumb on right and ring finger on left of nose.
Close your eyes and calm your breathing (and mind) down. Relax all muscles.
Completely breathe out. Expel all the air.
Use your thumb to close right nostril. Fill your lungs by taking breath through your left nostril only.
After fully filling your lungs, close your left nostril with small and ring finger.
Open right nostril and fully expel the breath inside. Keep the breath out for two or three seconds.
Take breathe through your right nostril. Repeat the complete cycle three times as a beginning and increase it to up to ten cycles.
DonÂ’t break the breathing in or breathing out process any time while practicing pranayama. Never keep your mouth opened. Mind is calm and listens to the movement of breathing only.
This pacifies mind. It balances prana of different nerves. Cleans brain cells and opens previously unopened alveoli of the lungs. Practice this for a few days before attempting pranayama 3.