This yoga posture is simple to understand but difficult to practice. Those who practice this pose experience a stretching feeling on their abdomen.
The procedure for Uttanapadasana yoga posture
1. Lie on your back.
2. Keep your feet together.
3. Keep palms down on either side of the body at a slight distance.
4. Without bending your knees, lift both legs together to a height of approximately 30 degrees as you inhale. Hold your breath as much as you can.
5. Slowly exhaling bring both legs to the ground.
6. Repeat this process at 45 degree and 60 degree angles.
You can also try lifting your legs to 30 degrees, 45 degrees and 60 degrees on a stretch, both while lifting and dropping the legs.
Ardha uttanapadasana (or half-leg lifting pose) is performed by lifting one leg at a time. Rest of the procedure is same.
Benefits of Uttanapadasana yoga posture
This posture helps in reducing obesity, abdominal disorders and enhances circulation.
People suffering from spondilitis should not practice this.