Supta Vajrasana Yoga Posture
Supta Vajrana can be practiced only after mastering Vajrasana or the diamond pose. The practitioner must be able to place his/her buttocks on the ground between the feet while taking the vajrasana pose.
The Procedure for Supta Vajrasana Yoga Pose
1. Sit as if in vajrasana (diamond pose).
2. Bend backwards and lay flat down on your back. Use both hands to balance your body while lying down.
3. Fold the hands behind your head and close your eyes.
4. Pay attention to your breathing without trying to control it.
5. Let body take complete rest for two-three minutes.
6. Return to Vajrasana.
Notes on Vajrasana Yoga Posture
One need to practice vajrasana before attempting sputa vajrasana.
This asana is beneficial for women. It strengthens reproductive organs, muscles of lower abdomen and gives flexibility to hipbones. Pregnant women with no blood pressure problems can practice this for up to three months into the pregnancy. It is said that doing so can ease parturition.