This is milder form of Salabhasanam or Locust Pose. Practicing this for a few days prepares your body to practice Salabhasanam.
The Procedure for Ardha Salabhasana Yoga Pose
1. Lay down on your stomach, legs close together and stretched backwards, hands side of body palms up and fisted, nose and crown (gently) touching the ground.
2. Raise your right leg while not bending at the knee. Keep the left leg flat on the ground.
3. Leave the right hand in the air for one or two seconds.
4. While exhaling, lower your leg to its original position.
Repeat the exercise for your left leg.
Notes on Ardha Salabhasana
Improves digestion, strengthens backbone, regulates elimination, and enhances the activity of liver, pancreas and kidney.
Ardha salabhasana is not indicated for patients with hernia, ulcer or heart problems.