Ayurvedic Medicines, Treatments Know-how for Transfer
Traditional Ayurvedic secrets of medicines and treatments available for transfer from a government recognised practitioner
Ayurveda universities, herbal & pharmaceutical companies, medicine hunters or other genuine parties can contact us for details. The deal includes transfer of the knowledge of medicine preparation and treatment details, including diet control and lifestyle restrictions.
Know-how of treatments for the following conditions is now available to be transferred to qualified persons or institutes.
- Cancer (various types)
- Heart Conditions
- Skin Diseases (Psoriasis, acne, etc)
- Crane (Sexual Impotency Cure for Men)
- Geriatric Medicines
Herbal/pharmaceutical companies, recognised medical universities (from India or abroad) and parties with genuine interests on Ayurvedic treatment methods are welcome.
About the Physician Who is selling the Know-How
This Vaidyar (Ayurveda physician) is a member of the famous Ashta-Vaidya community of Kerala. Ayurveda practice has been the tradition of the family. He started practicing as a vaidyar at the tender age of 16, while getting trained under his father. His grandfather also was a government recognized physician. He can’t transfer this knowledge to his next generation, as his children didn’t show an active interest in Ayurveda practice.
More details of this vaidyar, his credentials, and government recognitions he have got will be added in the coming days.