Ayurveda and Civilization
Ayurveda is a product of Indian civilization, which emphasized a lifestyle that is in tune with Mother Nature. While considering the fact that Ayurveda is a holistic life science or science of life. You will find that each principle or law put forth by Ayurveda has its influence in the healthy well being of a person.
Ayurveda has evolved over many hundreds of years – but the basic principles remain the same as it was 3000 years ago. Living with nature is the only way to lead a healthy life. It put emphasis on purity of mind, body and soul. Only then can one attain the balanced state of health. If any of the element is slightly out of balance, it is aberration from healthy state.
There are dinacharyas and ritucharyas prescribed by both Ayurveda and Yoga (the twin sisters from ancient Indian civilization).
It is now very much difficult to tell if Ayurveda influenced the culture of India or vice-versa.