Causes and Remedies of Allergies affecting Skin, Lungs and Eyes
An allergy is said to be a condition in which any part of the body is un-naturally sensitive to external elements like dust, pollen, temperature difference, chemicals, sound, light etc.
The reaction of the body is the result of our immune system alerted about the presence of external factors.
It is to be noted that external factors are not the reason of allergies. Many people are exposed to dust, smoke, quick temperature changes etc. Only the persons who are allergic react strongly to the external factors.
Some children are born with allergies, while most allergies are acquired over time.
Sometimes the allergens are easily avoided. Certain food items, chemicals etc come under this category. There are times when the person is accidentally or compulsorily exposed to the allergens.
The root cause of allergies lies in the food habits of a person. A person taking food items that are not easily digested and absorbed by the body compromises on the effective utilization of the food he or she eats. Incomplete digestion of food causes accumulation of bodily waste called ama in different parts of the body. This ama turns toxic and is called amavisha.
This amavisha reduces immune capacity of a person and causes the person to respond strongly to external stimuli like dust, pollen and changes in climate in a violent manner.
In fact the allergens react with the toxic wastes of the body. This strong reaction is what we call allergy and the stimulants that cause the reaction – allergens.
Ayurvedic body cleansing therapies like panchakarma, specialized massage therapies etc are the best solutions for allergies.
If the bodily wastes are accumulated on skin, an allergen can cause rashes and inflammations. With digestive system, it can lead to diarrhea. With respiratory system, it causes mucus.
Here are a few quick tips to fight allergy
Since food is the starting point, one needs to take a critical look at his or her daily diet.
Avoid cold food items. Cold food items are hard to digest. Eat warm food items. Too hot food items are also not good.
Eat food items that are easily digestible. Replace meat with seafood.
DonÂ’t eat stored or refrigerated food. Prepare food before the meals time only. DonÂ’t keep the food in refrigerator to be used on the following day.
Include spices like turmeric, coriander, ginger, fennel, etc in your food. These spices have detoxifying effects.
DonÂ’t eat after sunset. The body has a natural cleansing process starting from midnight and lasting through mid day. DonÂ’t interfere with this cleaning process. Eating after 10 pm will cause accumulation of more bodily wastes.
Practicing yoga can help. Different yoga meditation postures and pranayama techniques have good detoxification capabilities built in.