D–Meal – The Diet for Diabetic Cure and Control
Modern food processing and food habits coupled with sedentary life style have contributed to the alarming increase of Type II Diabetic disease the world over. It is a concern to all in developed as well as developing countries. One dilemma a diabetic patient faces is to choose his diet from a menu. This is true if the patient is on travel or away from his daily routine meals.
The recent scientific studies have shown that people in the early stages of Type II diabetics can reverse the disease condition if they restrict their diet to 600 calories in a day. However, this is not practical to many who are accustomed to higher calorie intake.
Against such a backdrop, MEEISATCODE has designed and developed a diet that has many advantages. These advantages are enumerated below.
1) It is a diet made of whole wheat flour. The roasted wheat flour is mixed with certain vegetable powder and packed as D-meal.
2) With just two table spoons of the mixture is enough to make a serving of porridge and it gives satiety to the person. On the contrary, the same quantity of wheat flour cannot give even a chapatti and it uses more of wheat flour for one chapatti. Thus with low quantity of wheat flour in the D-meal the person reaches satiety.
3) The wheat is ground slightly large in size. The vegetable fibers form a coating on these particles while cooking. These factors delays digestion of it in the intestine.
4) The soluble fiber causes food to travel in the intestine at a faster rate.
5) The delayed digestion and faster movement of food in the intestine contribute to lower levels of glucose available in the intestine for absorption.
6) Thus your food itself will be able to control the sugar level in your blood.
7) Later, with medical advice you may have to reduce your medication.
Apart from all these advantages, D-meal is an instant diet for any person. It can be used by students, young and old alike.  The non –diabetic person may take it with milk and sugar.
Direction for use:
Take two or three table spoons of D-meal in a small vessel. Add a pinch of salt to taste. Make a thick paste using cold water. See no crump is formed. Then add boiling water to it and keep it on the fire. Just stir gently and allow it to boil. After boiling simmer it for 3 -5 minutes. Serve the porridge with or without milk.
The MRP is Rs. 325/- for 1 Kg bottle. The shipment and forwarding charges as actual.  If anyone places order with payment in advance, then we will deliver it for Rs.300/- The minimum quantity to be ordered is 5 Kg.  The product will be send by courier anywhere in India.
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There is business plan also. Those who want to take Franchisee/Stockist/Agency/Direct Resident Sales Officers in all states and districts in India. Interested parties write to info@KeralaAyurvedics.com